RTG Bills features list
We've added a New Features page to show the features added to each version of RTG Bills and RTG Timer.
RTG Timer Online subscription changes
RTG Timer Online subscriptions are now on a per-timekeeper basis instead of a per-user basis.
RTG Timer Online is used by remote timekeepers to enter their time with a Web browser. Often, however, there is one additional user who downloads the fee and expense data into RTG Bills, but enters his or her time into RTG Timer on a PC (or not at all). Now there will be no charge for that additional user.
New version of RTG Bills
RTG Bills Version 2.19 fixes minor problems in the previous version. It can also export shorthand codes in a format that can be uploaded to RTG Timer Online.
New version of RTG Bills
RTG Bills Version 2.18 fixes minor problems in the previous version. There are also a few enhancements.
RTG Timer Online: new name, lower prices
We changed the name to RTG Timer Online (previously RTG Timer on the Web), and we lowered the price when you subscribe for more than one user.
RTG announcement list
In order to send announcements to everyone who has our products, we are now required to use an "opt-in" list. You should have received an email message asking you to click a link to confirm that you want to be on the list.
If you did not receive the message, you can add your email address to the list, or remove it from the list, on the RTG Announcement List page.
Item discounts
To explain the new item discounts feature in RTG Bills V2.17, we've created a new slide show. We also updated some of the other slide shows.
New version of RTG Bills
RTG Bills Version 2.17 introduces several new features as well as compatibility with Windows Vista. New features include item discounts, a Client Payment Wizard, and better multi-user operation.
If you install this upgrade, you will need new versions of several other programs. Some, but not all, are offered as free upgrades, so read the upgrade information carefully.
New version of RTG Conflicts
RTG Conflicts Version 1.02 offers compatibility with Windows Vista.
New version of RTG Names
Our simple, free, name and address program has been upgraded to work with RTG Bills Version 2.17. Keep your contacts up-to-date in RTG Bills and you can quickly synchronize to keep RTG Names current, too. Download RTG Names Version 2.03.
Introducing RTG Timer on the Web
Enter fees and expenses from any Internet-connected computer. No installation required. RTG Timer on the Web is similar to RTG Timer on a PC, but it works entirely inside your Web browser.
RTG Timer on the Web is designed to work with RTG Bills. Your clients, matters, timekeepers, and codes are uploaded from RTG Bills to RTG's server, and your fees and expenses are downloaded from RTG's server to RTG Bills.
We offer a one-month free trial so you can try RTG Timer on the Web and decide if you like it.
New version of RTG Reports
Version 2.16b of RTG Reports includes a new report, Retainer Ledger by Group. It provides a combined listing of the retainer transactions for a single trust account at your bank, which may include many different retainer accounts in RTG Bills. You now get 23 new reports, free of charge, when you install RTG Reports.
New version of RTG Timer for Palm OS
Version 2.07 of RTG Timer HE provides compatibility with all current Palm devices, including the Treo 650 and Tungsten E2. Try the free demo!
New product: RTG Conflicts
With RTG Conflicts, you can search your clients and matters for conflicts of interest before you take on a new matter. RTG Conflicts doesn't require RTG Bills, but it can quickly import all of your client names and matter names if you are now using RTG Bills.
Safeguard your data
We've updated our essay on safeguarding your data. We hope all RTG Bills users will read it carefully before disaster strikes.
New version of RTG Bills
RTG Bills Version 2.16 fixes all known problems in the previous version. A free upgrade from V2.15 is available now.
New way to contact RTG
We've create a new Contact RTG page to make it easy for you to send us
a message. An automatic reply is generated so you will know if we received the message.
If you don't get the reply, perhaps you entered your email address incorrectly, or maybe
your mail system has mistakenly classified our response as junk mail. Either way, we
won't be able to answer your message, so you need to fix the problem.
L.A. power outage affects RTG mail
On September 12, a power outage throughout the Los Angeles area affected our Web hosting
company, Dreamhost. Our offices in Santa Monica were unaffected, but we could not
send or receive email for several hours.
New version of RTG Bills
RTG Bills Version 2.15 fixes a bug that prevented the new "skip bills with zero balance" option from working properly. There are some minor new features.
New reports
The Custom Reports package for RTG Bills and RTG Reports, a free upgrade, now contains 28 reports. Custom reports are variations on the standard reports in RTG Bills, RTG Timer, and RTG Reports. You must have RTG Bills V2.15 to install the latest custom reports.
New version of RTG Bills
RTG Bills Version 2.14 has many new features: a Retainer Account Wizard, bill messages, favorites lists for reports, maximum fees, easier access to historical bills, and more.
Virus in RTG software? No!
On June 12, McAfee Antivirus reported a virus in the RTG Bills installation file. This affected both the demo and full versions of RTG Bills. It prevented some people from downloading our software while McAfee Antivirus was running.
This is a false positive - there is no virus in our software!
Sometime later the next day, McAfee fixed the problem in their software. Read more . . .
New versions of RTG Timer for Palm OS and Pocket PC
Both RTG Timer HE (for Palm OS) and RTG Timer ME (for Pocket PC) have been upgraded to Version 2.05.
Current users were offered a free upgrade.
New version of Softfile
Softfile is RTG's electronic notebook software. The latest version is easier to use and more reliable. Try the free demo, which is limited to 100 pages of notes.
RTG Timer for Pocket PC
We have now released RTG Timer for the Pocket PC. We call it RTG Timer ME, for Mobile Edition. A free demo lets you "try before you buy." To use RTG Timer ME, you'll need RTG Bills and RTG Timer Version 2.13.
New reports
We've added four new reports to the Custom Reports package, one for RTG Reports and three for RTG Bills. That brings the total to 23 reports in this free upgrade. Custom reports are variations on the standard reports in RTG Bills, RTG Timer, and RTG Reports.
Redesigned home page
We've decided to use a streamlined home page that most visitors can see without a lot of scrolling. Let us know what you think of it.
New version of RTG Bills
A new version of RTG Bills was needed to support RTG Timer ME. RTG Bills Version 2.13 also has a few new features, including an option to put the Billing Summary at the beginning of the bills instead of at the end.
New price for RTG Bills
RTG Bills is now $95, the first increase since we introduced Version 2 over four years ago. However, we will still offer a free upgrade from the previous version if you use RTG Upgrade to download and install it from our Web site. A new CD is $20.
New version of RTG Bills
While you are viewing a bill or a report, you can double-click on an item and edit it. This feature is available in RTG Bills Version 2.12. Another new feature is the ability to email client bills in PDF format.
We've also released new versions of RTG Names and RTG Scripts, which are needed for compatibility with RTG Bills V2.12.
Two separate FAQs
We now have two separate lists of Frequently Asked Questions. The main FAQ is for questions that are often asked before starting to use RTG Bills and RTG Timer. The more technical support FAQ is for questions that often arise while using the software. We hope this will make it easier to find answers to your questions.
New version of RTG Bills
We've added a calendar display in RTG Timer, the ability to print envelopes in RTG Bills, and more. Read all about RTG Bills Version 2.11 and get the free Web upgrade now.
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