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Sending bills with Microsoft email
If you want to send bills from RTG Bills using Microsoft email, it is necessary to use an app password. You get the app password from Microsoft and enter it in the email settings for RTG Bills instead of your actual Microsoft password. Instructions are here.
The same method applies to both RTG Bills Online and the PC version of RTG Bills.
Sending bills with Gmail
If you want to send bills from RTG Bills on a PC using Gmail, it will be necessary to use an app password. You get the app password from Google, then use it in RTG Bills instead of your actual Google password. Instructions are here.
Sending bills from RTG Bills Online using Gmail uses a different method, described here.
Unable to open RTG Timer database
If you install RTG Timer on a computer without RTG Bills, you may see this error message when you start RTG Timer. No location is shown in the error message. A workaround for this problem is described here.
Elimination of reduced-price upgrades for RTG Bills
As of May 15, 2023 we no longer offer a reduced-price upgrade to RTG Bills V2.27 from older versions. If you have a version of RTG Bills earlier than 2.27, you will need to pay the full price of $95 to get a license for version 2.27.
Although we haven't changed the version number, we have updated RTG Bills V2.27 many times since it was released in October 2015. You can review the changes here. All of these updates have been free.
Enhanced security for RTG Online
Each firm can now choose to require device registration for its users. When enabled, users must register their devices (desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone) by entering a one-time passcode sent by email. Once a device is registered, there are no extra steps to sign.
An unauthorized user cannot sign in, even if they have obtained a valid username and password. Only registered devices can be used to sign in to RTG Online.
This feature works on all of RTG Online: RTG Bills Online, RTG Timer Online, RTG Conflicts Online, RTG Bills Mobile, and RTG Timer Mobile.
Email update
A recent change by Microsoft prevents RTG Bills for PCs from sending email. If you use Microsoft 365 (previously known as Office 365) for email, you need to update RTG Bills. Instructions are here:
RTG Bills & RTG Timer V2.27j
This update fixes a problem that made it impossible to edit the sequence numbers in fee and expense transactions.
To install the updates for Bills and Timer, you must have version 2.27i installed first. If you have V2.27 with a different letter, get V2.27i here:
Once you have installed V2.27i, follow the instructions for installing an update:
There are two separate updates, one for RTG Bills and one for RTG Timer. On a networked system, you must install the RTG Bills and RTG Timer updates on each computer.
RTG Bills V2.27i
This revision fixes a bug in RTG Bills that may result in bills for split bill matters not being sent by email. Instructions for fixing the problem are here: R210101: Split Bills Not Sent.
RTG Bills V2.27h
This revision fixes a bug in RTG Timer that caused it to truncate the client abbreviation when RTG Bills data was imported from a file.
RTG Conflicts V1.07d
This revision adds a Hide This Party checkbox to the Edit A Relationship window.
Move retainer balance
Now you can move a retainer balance from a matter-level retainer account to a new client-level retainer account. The usual situation is that you have a client that originally had one matter with a retainer, but now they send you a second matter, and they want to use the same retainer to cover both matters.
In RTG Bills for Windows, this feature is a free update to the current version of RTG Bills. Once installed, you will find it here:
File > Tools > Move Retainer Balance
In the online version, this feature is on the Tools Menu:
RTG Bills Menu > Links > Tools Menu > Move Retainer Balance
RTG Bills V2.27g
This revision to RTG Bills includes the latest RTG Update, the fixes for communicating with RTG Timer Online, and the Matter Details report.
Update problem fixed
RTG Update downloads and installs updates to RTG Bills and RTG Timer. Recent changes (beyond RTG's control) have caused earlier versions of RTG Update to stop working. You can install a new version of RTG Update that works correctly:
Upload/download problems fixed
RTG Bills can upload data to RTG Timer Online and download released items. Recent security changes at the server prevented these features from working. That has been fixed with an update for RTG Bills, Communicate with RTG Timer Online (update 517). See How To Install Updates.
New report
A new report, Matter Details, is installed as update 516. The same update makes the Matters by Rate Table report into a standard report. Previously, it was a custom report.
Item discount problems fixed
Some problems that caused the Show as discount checkbox to lose the check mark have been fixed in a new release of RTG Bills and RTG Timer, version 2.27f. Download the installer and re-install Bills and Timer.
Updated Web site
We are updating this Web site to give it a cleaner, more modern look. We've also made it more mobile-friendly, so it works better on devices with smaller screens.
RTG Conflicts Online
RTG Conflicts Online helps law firms avoid conflicts of interest. This online version of RTG Conflicts is offered at no extra charge to RTG Bills Online subscribers.
New version of RTG Scripts
RTG Scripts automates tasks in RTG Bills and RTG Timer. Version 1.15 adds a script to hide a range of clients in RTG Bills. This version of RTG Scripts requires RTG Bills Version 2.27.
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