RTG Bills Version 2.27

Version 2.27

RTG Bills Version 2.27j fixes all known problems in previous releases. (Released January 19, 2021.)

We suggest the use of Windows 10 or 11 with this version.


Changes in this version

  1. Data Location
    The Data Location, where the data files are stored, is now saved in a file instead of the Windows registry. This avoids a problem that could occur with recent versions of Windows. The installer would put the user's chosen Data Location in a registry entry that the programs themselves could not read, resulting in an error message.

  2. RTG Update
    RTG Update, which installs free updates, has been changed to allow two lists of updates. The standard list contains enhancements and bug fixes. A new, special list contains updates that are only needed to solve specific problems.

  3. Description text
    In previous versions of RTG Bills and RTG Timer, pressing Enter twice moved the focus out of the Description box. This was part of the Smart Enter Key feature that skips over infrequently-used controls. However, this feature also meant that entering a blank line in the Description box required that you type a space on the line.

    Rather than remove the Smart Enter Key feature entirely, we now require three Enter keystrokes. You can press Enter twice to create a blank line, or you can press Enter three times to move out of the Description box.

  4. Duplicate button
    During entry of fees and expenses, or payments and adjustments, the Duplicate button can be used to copy the description from the previous entry.

  5. Main window
    The main window of RTG Bills or RTG Timer will now disappear when a new window opens. If you move the new window, the main window will reappear at the new location.

    However, there are some operations that use a separate executable program and the main window will not disappear. Those operations work as they did before. A "Waiting" window appears over the main window until the new window closes. An example is the menu choice, Edit > Change Matter Number.

  6. Changing the Data Location
    The menu choice, Setup > Database has been removed. To change the Data Location, you can re-install RTG Bills or RTG Timer.

    This menu choice resulted in problems for many RTG Bills and RTG Timer users. Sometimes the Data Location was changed by accident, resulting in data that seemed to disappear. Other times, the Data Location was changed intentionally in the hope that it would solve a database problem (that it could not solve).

    The current Data Location, and other information about the installation, can be found on the System Information report.

  7. Responsible Timekeeper
    RTG Bills now uses the term Responsible Timekeeper instead of Billing Timekeeper. This is the person responsible for billing the client.

  8. New reports
    Added two standard reports, Matters by Rate Table (previously a custom report) and Matter Details (new).

How to get
RTG Bills

  • If you haven't purchased RTG Bills...
    Complete ordering information is on the Orders page.

  • If you have RTG Bills Version 2...
    See Upgrading RTG Bills.
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