Download RTG Bills

Free trial

You can try RTG Bills and RTG Timer absolutely free for 45 days. This is the full program, with all features available.

After 45 days, it will stop working. Before that, pay for a license and RTG will send you a license key that allows you to use RTG Bills with no further time limitation. All of the data you entered during the trial period will still be there.

Important Note: If RTG Bills is already installed, we have separate instructions for you to follow. Please do not install a newer version of RTG Bills until you have read the instructions.

Even if RTG Bills is not installed, but you have existing RTG Bills data, you should follow the upgrade instructions.

Read Upgrading RTG Bills.


Download now

Read the Software License Agreement for RTG Bills & RTG Timer.

After you click the button, your browser will go to another page to begin the download. That page contains further instructions for downloading and installing RTG Bills.

Privacy notice:
  1. When you download RTG Bills, we store the IP address of your computer. We do that to determine if you clicked on an ad, then subsequently downloaded RTG Bills. This allows us to judge the effectiveness of our advertising.

  2. When you purchase a license for RTG Bills, we again store your IP address, so we can determine which downloads lead to purchases. Of course, when you purchase a license, additional information is required to make the purchase. However, RTG never gets your credit card information. You will find further information in our Privacy Policy.
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