RTG Bills Version 2.11

Version 2.11

RTG Bills Version 2.11 includes several new features and fixes minor problems with previous releases. (Released January 13, 2004.)


Changes In This Version

  1. Hours To Bill Calendar
    A new Month button in RTG Timer displays a calendar showing the total hours you have entered for each day of the month. Double-click a date to edit the transactions for that date.

  2. Activity Code Can Set Rate Table
    Normally the matter determines which rate table is used to look up your billing rate. Sometimes, however, you may want the type of work you are doing to determine the rate. Now an activity code for an hourly rate transaction can specify a rate table to be used instead of the standard rate table.

  3. Print Envelopes
    After you print the bills, choose Bills > Envelopes to print an envelope for each client's bill. In addition, when you are editing a client or a matter, you can click a button to print an envelope just for that client.

  4. Bills Can Show New Charges Only
    The standard bill formatter can now create a Billing Summary that only shows new charges. The previous balance, payments and adjustments, and retainer activity are not shown. This is an option on the Summary tab. In addition, you can omit the Payments & Adjustments section of the bill. The result is an invoice-style format instead of the usual statement-style format.

  5. Choice Of Two Billing Rate Formats
    Previously, if you chose to show the billing rate on the bills, it always appeared on a separate line after the transaction description:
    1.50 hours at $125.00 per hour
    Now you can choose a different format, which places the billing rate in a column under the number of hours:
  6. Choosing Shorthand Codes
    If you can't remember a shorthand code, there are now two methods to choose one from the list of codes. The original method (Single-click to select a code) is to use a scrollbar to look through the list and then click the desired code. The new method (Double-click or press Enter to select a code) lets you type a few letters to jump to the right part of the list. Then you can double-click the code, or you can highlight the code and either press the Enter key or click the OK button.

  7. Checking Task and Activity Codes
    RTG Reports includes a new report, Fees and Expenses by Matter with Codes, which shows the task and activity codes for each transaction. The report shows a warning for any missing codes, which is useful if you are creating electronic bills with RTG E-Bills.

  8. New Practice Area Report
    RTG Reports includes another new report, Fees Billed and Collected by Area, which shows the fees for each matter, grouped and totaled by practice area. The report can show all practice areas or just one.

    The previous version of RTG Reports had a report with this name, but it only shows the totals for each practice area. That report has been renamed Summary of Fees Billed and Collected by Area.

  9. Math in Layout
    Custom bill formats can do simple math calculations. This feature was previously available in the report editor (RED). Now it has been added to the custom bill formatter (Layout) as well.

  10. Print To File
    You can choose either the new RTG Review format or plain text format. RTG Review format preserves all formatting. RTG Review, a free upgrade, lets you view or print a saved file at any time.

    The Print To File feature is now available for prebills, historical bills, historical cover pages, and reports.

How To Get RTG Bills

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  • If you have RTG Bills Version 2...
    You can order RTG Bills and RTG Timer for a reduced price. Click here to order.
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