Matter Balances (951)
For each matter, shows the amounts due for fees, expenses, late charges, and taxes, plus the total due.
Note: This custom report is included with RTG Bills.
Matter Status (952)
Shows the same totals as the
Matter Balances report. It also shows this additional information for each matter: date of last bill, date of last payment, bill format, billing cycle, and rate table.
Note: This custom report is included with RTG Bills.
Matter Ledger (No Canceled Items) (953)
Exactly like the standard
Matter Ledger, except that canceled items (which have no effect on the balance due anyway) are omitted.
Hours and Expenses by Matter (954)
Similar to the standard
Fees and Expenses by Matter, except that for fees, it shows hours and not dollar amounts or rates.
Matters by Billing Timekeeper (955)
For each billing timekeeper, shows a list of matters similar to the standard
Matter List.
Fees & Expenses by Activity (956)
Like the standard
Activity Summary by Matter, but shows the actual fee and expense transactions, not just the totals.
Retainer Ledger (No Canceled Items) (957)
Contains the same information as the standard
Retainer Ledger, except canceled items are not included.
Matter Aging With Phone Numbers (958)
Exactly like the standard
Matter Aging report, except the client's phone number is shown below the matter number, to make it easier to contact the client regarding an overdue balance.
Fees by Matter & Timekeeper (Detail) (959)
For each matter, shows the timekeepers who have worked on the matter and the Hours Reported, Hours To Bill, and Fees To Bill during the specified period of time. Each transaction is shown.
Fees by Matter & Timekeeper (960)
The same as 959, except the individual transactions are not shown.
Unit Cost Summary by Matter (961)
For each matter, shows the unit costs (e.g., per page charges) summarized by activity code. This report is similar to the
Activity Summary by Matter, but it only includes unit cost transactions. (The standard report also includes fees and fixed expenses.)
Matter List Plus (962)
Contains the same information as the standard
Matter List, plus the Bill Format number and the Rate Table number.
Client List (No Hidden Clients) (963)
Contains the same information as the standard
Client List, except hidden clients are not included.
Fees and Expenses To Date (964)
Shows the total fees and expenses to date for each matter. Includes both billed and unbilled transactions. This report is similar to the
Fees and Expenses by Matter report, but it does not show the individual transactions.
Matter Open Dates (965)
Shows the date each matter was opened. However, matters created before RTG Bills V2.12 (released in July 2004) did not have the open date recorded. They will show 1/1/1990.
Fees Over Maximum (966)
Shows matters whose total fees to date exceed the Maximum Fee set for the matter. The total includes both billed and unbilled fees. This report is similar to the
Maximum Fees report, which shows all matters that have a non-zero Maximum Fee and a warning message for those that exceed the maximum.
Alphabetical Matter List (Open Matters) (967)
Contains the same information as the standard
Matter List (Alphabetical), except that only open matters are included.
Task Summary by Matter (CSV format) (968)
Shows the client number, case number, task code, hours to bill, fees to bill, and expenses to bill for each matter, in CSV format.
Matters by Client Abbreviation (969)
Similar to the standard
Client List (Alphabetical), but also shows the matters for each client. This list is in order by Client Abbreviation, unlike the
Matter List (Alphabetical), which is in order by Matter Abbreviation.
Activity Summary by Matter (CSV format) (970)
Shows the client number, case number, activity code, hours to bill, fees to bill, and expenses to bill for each matter, in CSV format.
Alphabetical Client List (Brief) (971)
Shows the client abbreviation, client number, and client name.
Task Summary by Date (972)
For any specified time period, shows the total hours, fees, and expenses billed for each task code (for all matters).
Expenses by Timekeeper (973)
For any specified time period, shows the timekeeper's expense transactions. This report is the same as the standard
Fees and Expenses by Timekeeper report, but without the fees.
Fees by Timekeeper & Matter (974)
For each timekeeper, shows the matters they have worked on and the Hours Reported, Hours To Bill, and Fees To Bill during the specified period of time.
Summary of Fees & Expenses Billed by Client (975)
For each client, shows the client's matters and the Hours Billed, Fees Billed, and Expenses Billed during the specified period of time. Includes both matter totals and client totals.
Retainer Account List (976)
Contains the same information as the
Retainer Account Summary, except it includes all retainer accounts, including those with a balance of zero.
Canceled Bills by Date (977)
The canceled bills within the specified date range are shown, in order by bill number. For each bill, the bill number, bill date, client name, and matter name are shown. Also shown are the fee, expense, interest, tax amounts, and the total amount billed.
Summary of Unbilled Fees & Expenses by Matter (978)
Shows the total unbilled fees and expenses for each matter. This is a summary version of the standard
Unbilled Fees and Expenses by Matter report. Allows selection of a date range.
Clients by Billing Timekeeper (979)
Similar to
Matters by Billing Timekeeper (955), but this report does not show matter information, since for most clients, every matter has the same Billing Timekeeper. Since RTG Bills does not assign a Billing Timekeeper to a client (only to a matter), it is possible that the same client will appear under more than one Billing Timekeeper. That just means that some of the client's matters have one Billing Timekeeper and some have another.
Activity Summary by Date (980)
For any specified time period, shows the total hours, fees, and expenses billed for each activity code (for all matters).
Fee Summary by Billing Timekeeper (981)
For each billing timekeeper, shows the total Hours Reported, Hours To Bill, and Fees To Bill during the specified time period. Each timekeeper total includes all matters assigned to that billing timekeeper, and all fees entered, whether billed or unbilled.
Hours and Expenses by Timekeeper (982)
Similar to the standard report,
Fees and Expenses by Timekeeper, except that for fees, it shows hours and not dollar amounts or rates.
Fees and Expenses by Timekeeper - 2 (983)
Contains the same information as the standard
Fees and Expenses by Timekeeper report, except the transactions are sorted by timekeeper, date, and item number, rather than by timekeeper, date, and matter. This makes it easy to see the work that was done each day.
Unbilled Hours by Timekeeper (984)
Similar to the standard
Unbilled Fees and Expenses by Timekeeper, but shows only fees with hours, no rates or amounts.
Client List (Alphabetical, No Hidden Clients) (985)
Contains the same information as the standard
Alphabetical Client List, except hidden clients are not included.
Matter Aging (Wide) (986)
Like the standard
Matter Aging report, but includes an additional aging category, 91 to 120 days.
Payments Applied by Matter (987)
Shows how each payment was applied to fees, expenses, late charges, and taxes.
Matter Ledger (Full Descriptions) (988)
Shows the full description for each item, unlike the standard report, which only shows the first line. With this report, you can see the two cutoff dates for each bill (but only for bills printed after V2.23 or above was installed).
Alphabetical Client List (Brief; No Hidden Clients) (989)
Shows the client abbreviation, client number, and client name - the same as report 971, but excludes hidden clients.
Fees & Expenses by Task (990)
Like the standard
Task Summary by Matter, but shows the actual fee and expense transactions, not just the totals.
Matter Balances (CSV) (991)
Shows the same information as report 951,
Matter Balances, but in CSV format for transfer to other software, such as a spreadsheet program.
Fees and Expenses by Area (992)
Shows fees and expenses grouped by area of practice.
Payments & Adjustments by Billing Timekeeper (993)
Shows the amount of each payment and adjustment, with no breakdown of fees, expenses, late charges, and taxes. Totals are given for each billing timekeeper.
Expenses by Timekeeper & Matter (994)
For each timekeeper, sorts by matter and shows expense transactions and amount. Includes totals for each matter and timekeeper.
Unbilled Expenses by Timekeeper (995)
Similar to the standard
Unbilled Fees and Expenses by Timekeeper, but shows only expenses with amounts.
Matter Status by Client (996)
Like the standard
Matter Status report, but sorted by client abbreviation.
Alphabetical Retainer Account Summary (997)
Like the standard
Retainer Account Summary, but sorted by client abbreviation.
Fees by Timekeeper & Area (998)
For each timekeeper, shows the hours reported, hours to bill, and fees to bill for each practice area.
Clients by Billing Timekeeper (Alphabetical) (999)
Clients by Billing Timekeeper (979), except the clients are listed in alphabetical order.
Total Fees Billed and Collected (750)
Shows the fees billed and collected by each timekeeper for all matters. This is the same information as the Grand Totals section of the
Summary of Fees Billed and Collected report.
Fees by Timekeeper & Matter (CSV) (753)
For each timekeeper, shows the total Hours Reported, Hours To Bill, and Fees To Bill for each matter they have worked on, during the specified time period. This report is designed to be printed to a file, which can be read by a spreadsheet or database program.
Hours Billed by Timekeeper (754)
Shows the individual billed transactions for each timekeeper, in chronological order, for any specified time period. Shows Hours Reported and Hours Billed. Only shows billed transactions.
Hours Reported by Timekeeper (Detail) (755)
Shows the individual transactions for each timekeeper, in chronological order, for any specified time period. Shows Hours Reported and Hours To Bill. Includes both billed and unbilled transactions.
Fees and Expenses by Client (756)
Similar to
Fees and Expenses by Matter, except the matters appear in order by client abbreviation and matter number (instead of matter number alone).