RTG Bills Version 2.15

Version 2.15

RTG Bills Version 2.15 fixes a few problems with the previous version. (Released July 30, 2005.)


Changes In This Version

  1. Paper Width Setting
    Reports can now specify the paper width that they were designed for. RTG Bills will print the report in portrait orientation if it will fit, or landscape orientation if not. A warning message is displayed if the report won't fit in either orientation.

    Most reports specify a width of 8.26 inches, which allows them to print in portrait orientation on both Letter paper (8.5 in.) and A4 paper (210 mm, a little over 8.26 in.).

    In addition, bill formats can specify either Letter paper or A4 paper. The position of the items on the page is adjusted to account for the page width.

  2. Hours And Amount Headings On Bills
    Previously, the standard bill formats showed the label Hours over the hours column in the Fees section. There was no label over the amount column. Now you may choose whether to show Hours over the hours column and whether to show Amount over the Amount column.

  3. New Mail Server Setting
    If you want RTG Bills to send bills by email, it must be able to communicate with your mail server. Sometimes this requires specifying a non-standard SMTP port, which is now possible.

How To Get RTG Bills

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  • If you have RTG Bills Version 2...
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