RTG Bills lets you design a letterhead to include on the first page of bills and on Client Cover Pages. This feature was introduced in RTG Bills Version 2.05.
The letterhead design is stored as bill format 255. Client Cover Pages are stored as bill formats 246 and 247, while normal bill formats are numbered from 1 to 99.
You must create the letterhead design first if you want to use it on a bill format or a Client Cover Page format. When the format is saved, the instructions for creating the letterhead are saved with it.
If you change the letterhead design, the changes will only be incorporated into another format when you save that format again. In other words, you must edit and save the bill formats and the Client Cover Page formats each time you change the letterhead design.
- Decide which fonts you need for your letterhead. Start RTG Bills and choose Setup > Fonts.
Generally, fonts 3, 4, 5, and 6 are available for you to use. However, it is rare for a well-designed letterhead to use more than two fonts. (The use of bold and italic attributes is not considered a separate font in this situation.)
Choose the fonts you need from the list of fonts and click Close when you are done.
- From the RTG Bills menu, choose Setup > Bill Formats.
- Double-click on 255 Letterhead to edit the letterhead design.
- Click Edit Text and you will see the Edit Letterhead Text window. There are four areas that can contain text:
Enter the text you want in area 1 first, followed by the text for areas 2, 3, and 4. At this stage there is nothing to indicate which lines go in which areas, but the lines should be in the right order.
Text in area 1 is centered. Text in area 2 is left justified. Text in area 3 is centered. Text in area 4 is right justified.
You don't need to use all four areas. If every line of your letterhead is centered, you only need area 1. If your entire letterhead sits on the left margin, you only need area 2.
Click Save to save the text that you just entered.
- Click on the first line of text to select it. In the Properties Of Selected Text Line frame, choose the Font, Size, and Area for this line. Check Bold or Italic if desired. Repeat for every line of text.
You can see what the letterhead looks like if you click the View or Print buttons. Do not expect the screen to give an accurate rendition of the final letterhead. The screen display generally provides only 96 dots per inch, while a laser printer provides 300 dots per inch or more.
- When you are satisfied with the results, click Save to save the letterhead design.
- Double-click a bill format to edit it. Click the Edit Sections button. On the Header 1 tab, in the Firm Name And Address frame, select Use Letterhead Design. Click Save.
Click View and you should see your newly-designed letterhead on the sample bill. Click Save to save this bill format with your letterhead design.
We have created four sample letterhead designs. Click each image below to see a page that shows the details of the design.
Design #1: All text is in area 1 (centered).
Design #2: Uses areas 2 and 4 (no centered text).
Design #3: Centered text on top (area 1), attorney names on the left margin, and phone numbers on the right margin.
Design #4: Uses all four areas. Only one font is used.