This page explains RTG Conflicts user licenses.
Your initial purchase of RTG Conflicts allows one user, named Supervisor, to use the software. Included is a License Key for the Supervisor. That key cannot be used for anyone else.
If only one person will use RTG Conflicts, no additional licenses are required. However, having only one License Key means:
To remove these restrictions, you must purchase additional user licenses.
For each user license that you purchase, you get one License Key. Then you can enter another user name and the License Key to allow access by an additional person.
For example, if you purchase just one License Key, then you can have two simultaneous users. One user must log in as Supervisor and the other logs in with a name you have chosen.
The Supervisor is special.
Because the Supervisor can perform tasks that no one else can, such as backing up the database and removing passwords, you may decide that you don't want anyone to log in as Supervisor for normal day-to-day operations. In that case, you should purchase a License Key for every user.
Replacing a departed user.
Should a user leave the firm and be replaced by a new person, you can use the same License Key for the new person. Just enter the new person as a new user, delete the License Key from the departing user, then enter the same License Key for the new user.
When you purchase an RTG Conflicts user license, there is nothing to download. What you do get is a License Key. It will look similar to this (possibly without the hyphens):
This one happens to be the Supervisor's License Key that you get with RTG Conflicts.
When you place your order, you will get an email message that contains the License Key. If you order from BMT Micro, it will be called a Registration Key.
Each License Key may be assigned to one user in RTG Conflicts.
After you receive a License Key, you must enter it into RTG Conflicts.
The User List, a report in RTG Conflicts, shows all the users and the License Keys that you have entered.
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