RTG Conflicts Version 1.05

RTG Conflicts
Version 1.05

RTG Conflicts Version 1.05 includes one new feature and fixes all known problems in the previous release. (Released July 17, 2009; updated to V1.05a on June 14, 2011.)


Changes in
this version

  1. Edit A Party window shows role
    As you add or remove relationships for a party, the Role box will show you whether the party is Related, Adverse, or Neutral based on the relationships you have entered.

    The box will display Conflict if the relationships indicate the party is both Related and Adverse. That could indicate an error in the relationships for the party, or it may mean that there is, in fact, a potential conflict caused by the party.

  2. Importing data into Notes field (V1.05a)
    It is now possible to import more than one field from an external source into the Notes field. The Add to Notes command appends the field that is read to the existing Notes field.

How to get
RTG Conflicts

  • If you haven't purchased RTG Conflicts...
    You'll find complete ordering information on the Orders page.

  • If you have purchased RTG Conflicts...
    You qualify for a free upgrade if you have purchased a license key for RTG Conflicts within the last year. If you believe you qualify, request a license key for RTG Conflicts.
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