RTG Conflicts Version 1.04
RTG Conflicts
Version 1.04
RTG Conflicts Version 1.04 includes new features and fixes all known problems in the previous release. (Released December 18, 2008.)
We suggest the use of Windows XP or Windows Vista with this version. While it should work with Windows 98 Second Edition or later, we do not test compatibility with versions of Windows older than XP.
Changes in
this version
- Selected printer stays selected
Previously, each time you started RTG Conflicts, it would use the system default printer for your PC. If you selected a different printer, that change remained in effect only until you exited RTG Conflicts. Now, however, you can choose to have the selection remain in effect until you change it.
- Print To File offers PDF option
The Print To File button can be used to save reports as PDF files. Previously, the only options were RTG Review format and plain text format. Although RTG Review format can be converted to PDF with the RTG Review program, a free upgrade, this new feature avoids that additional step.
- Lost Supervisor password
If you forget the Supervisor password, RTG can provide you with a special code to turn off the security system. Then you can choose a new Supervisor password, which turns on the security system again.
How to get
RTG Conflicts
- If you haven't purchased RTG Conflicts...
You'll find complete ordering information on the Orders page.
- If you have purchased RTG Conflicts...
You qualify for a free upgrade if you have purchased a license key for RTG Conflicts within the last year. If you believe you qualify, request a license key for RTG Conflicts.