Avast incorrectly reports virus in RTG Bills
False positive
Starting October 27, 2013, Avast antivirus software ("avast!") started reporting a suspected virus in recent versions of RTG Bills. This is a false positive, meaning that there is no virus in RTG Bills.
Unfortunately, although it is shown as only a "suspected" virus, it can be difficult to get Avast to ignore this false signal. The following set of instructions were provided by attorney Michael J. Tremblay (www.attorneytremblay.com). Thanks, Mike!
This sort of problem occurs from time to time. Previous examples are here.
- Open the Avast! user interface by right-clicking on the Avast! icon in the system tray on the lower right of your screen.
- Make sure you have the latest version of the Avast! software and virus definitions: Click on "Settings," then "Antivirus," then "Update." Update both the program version and the virus definitions. This may take 3 or 4 minutes, but it is important.
- Depending on which version you are upgrading from, you may need to reboot.
- Open the Avast! user interface again.
- From the left side menu, click on "Settings," then "Antivirus," then scroll down to "Exclusions."
- Click "Browse" and navigate to your RTG Bills program folder, normally C:\Program Files\Rtgbills.
- Click "Okay."
- Click on "Active Protection."
- Click on the little gear next to "File System Shield."
- Click on "Exclusions."
- Click on "Add."
- Type in the path to your rtgbills.exe file, normally C:\Program Files\Rtgbills\rtgbills.exe.
- Click on "Okay"
- Close the Settings window and return to the user interface.
- At the bottom of the main user interface, look for "Quarantine - Virus Chest" and click it.
- If rtgbills.exe is in the list, right click it and click "Restore". (It may not be there if the new version has already recognized RTG Bills, so don't worry if you don't see it.)
- Close the Avast! user interface and RTG Bills should run normally.