Although you can use RTG Bills Online to enter fees and expenses, there are many reasons that you might want to use RTG Timer Online instead.
Most of the advantages of RTG Timer are matters of convenience, but there are also some security issues.
- Stopwatch
The stopwatch in RTG Timer lets you time your work. You don't need to write down
your time on paper and then copy it into the computer.
- Mobile version
RTG Timer Mobile lets you enter fees and expenses on an iPhone or Android phone. RTG Timer Mobile is included with every subscription to RTG Online.
- Simplicity
RTG Timer is only for entering fees and expenses. It cannot be used to enter payments,
print bills, enter clients and matters, etc. As a result, RTG Timer is a simpler program
to learn and to use. Also, you can give RTG Timer to someone who is not trained to enter anything other than fees and expenses.
- One timekeeper
RTG Timer works with one timekeeper at a time, so RTG Timer can enter the timekeeper automatically on every item.
- Release
The person using RTG Timer decides when to make the fees and expenses available to RTG Bills. You don't need to worry that an item that isn't complete or that requires a
further description will be billed by accident. Fees and expenses entered into RTG Timer
are only available for billing after you release them.
- Monthly calendar
RTG Timer has a Month button that displays a monthly calendar showing the hours to bill for each day of the month. Released hours and unreleased hours are shown separately.
You can click on any day to display the fees and expenses for that day, which you can edit, or you can enter a new item for that day.
- Special buttons
When you are editing an hourly rate item, three special buttons are available.
The Switch button lets you switch quickly to another item. Clicking the button will turn off the stopwatch (if it is on), save the current item, and display a list of recently-edited hourly rate items.
The Interrupt button also turns off the stopwatch and saves the current item, but then it creates a new hourly rate item and starts the stopwatch to time it.
This is very useful when you get interrupted, perhaps by a telephone call. When you save (or cancel) the new item, the previous item appears again and you can resume timing it.
The New Expense button creates a new expense item for the current matter. The current hourly rate item is saved. If the stopwatch is on, it stays on and timing continues while you enter the expense. When you save (or cancel) the expense item, the hourly rate item appears again. If the stopwatch was on, it will still be on.
- Bills and Timer together
You can have RTG Bills in one browser tab and RTG Timer in another one, which allows you to switch between them quickly. Choose RTG Bills Menu > Links > Open RTG Timer Window to open RTG Timer in a separate tab.
- User isolation
An RTG Timer user only has access to the fees and expenses that they have entered. The user cannot alter, or even view, anyone else's data.
In contrast, each RTG Bills user can see all of the data that has been entered.
- Limiting functions
RTG Timer users only see the data in RTG Timer. None of the financial information in RTG Bills is accessible.
A Supervisor in RTG Bills can choose which users have access to RTG Bills.
A Supervisor also chooses which users have access to which timekeepers. For example, an attorney might only have access to their own timekeeper information. An assistant who works for more than one attorney might have access to the work of each of their attorneys.
- Hidden rates
A setting in RTG Bills can be used to hide timekeeper billing rates from all RTG Timer users. When the fees and expenses are released, each matter's rate table is used to determine the billing rate for each item.
In RTG Bills, there is no way to hide the billing rates from the users.
Billing Made Easy, RTG Bills, RTG Timer, RTG Conflicts, RTG Names, and Softfile are trademarks of RTG Data Systems. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.