Softfile name

Softfile Version 3.08

Release Notes

  1. Fixed bug
    A search that returns more than 1000 references caused a run-time error. Now a message is displayed instead. Change the search to show fewer results.

  2. Database location
    As in the previous version, the program files and the data files can be in two separate locations. This is required for compatibility with Windows Vista and all later versions of Windows (7, 8, and 10).

    The Destination Location, where the programs are installed, is typically:

    C:\Program Files\Softw\


    C:\Program Files (x86)\Softw\

    and the Data Location, where the data files are installed, is typically:


    for Windows Vista/7/8/10 and:

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\RTG\Softfile\

    for Windows XP.

    If you upgrade from a version of Softfile earlier than 3.06, your programs and data will both be in one location, probably here:

    C:\Program Files\Softw\

    You must move the data files out of the Program Files folder to a new Data Location.


Known Problems

  1. Softfile shares components with Internet Explorer, so you should always install the latest version of Internet Explorer for the best reliability and security.

  2. You cannot create a link to an FTP site.
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