Q: Is there a remote version for use outside the office?
A: You can use RTG Timer either on a network or as a "standalone" program.
When it is on a network, RTG Timer reads clients, matters, timekeepers, and codes from the RTG Bills database. However, for remote operation, you can transfer that information to the RTG Timer database and then use RTG Timer by itself with no connection to RTG Bills.
The fee and expense transactions that you enter into RTG Timer are sent to RTG Bills when you release them. If there is a network connection, RTG Timer can write the transactions directly into the RTG Bills database. However, if there is no network connection, RTG Timer can write the transactions into a disk file. You can take that file to the RTG Bills computer on a flash drive, or CD, or send it as an email attachment.
Because RTG Timer is licensed by timekeeper, there is no extra charge if one person wants to use RTG Timer on an office PC, on a notebook computer, and on a home computer.